Wimbledon Common Nature Club

We meet once a month to explore nature on Wimbledon Common. Appropriate for 6 to 14 year olds.

About Us

Hi, I'm Auriel Glanville, the leader at the Wimbledon Common Nature Club. I'm a member of the London Wildlife Trust and Friends of The Earth.We meet on the first Sunday of each month between 10am and 12 noon to do hands on activities with nature, from making bird feeders to examining life under a microscope.Parents are welcome to come along. Attendance is free, although we do welcome donations towards equipment and invited guests.


4th August "BUTTERFLIES"8th September "DEN BUILDING"6th October "TREES" with Sarah Webley of the South Botanical Institute3rd November "FUNGI FORAY"
with Dr June Chatfield of the South Botanical Institute


Email or phone me to find out more[email protected]07837910072